Hey all,
I've been thinking of creating my own blog for quite a long time, and here it is, at last.
So, why here and why now?
Well, since my very first flights as a passenger on an airliner, life has taken me through many adventures and I'm just on the point of started one of the hugest I've ever been part of.
I started piloting light aircraft back in 2002, got my PPL a bit later, started flying aerobatic championships the following year, then moved onto flying gliders and at the same time left my home country to complete my studies abroad.
I believe life is either a daring adventure or nothing, I wanted it to take a turn, a huge kind of turn ...
The challenge of a complex job working in a technically demanding environment has always thrilled me. Since my very first flights as a trainee pilot and over the years, it has become a lifestyle that I wish to pursue until my highest dream comes true.
I ended up visiting FTOs and I'm starting my ATPLs (with stands for Airline Transport Pilot Licence - theorical ground school which lasts 6 months) in October.
ReplyDeleteJeg er beæret over å være din første (og trofaste!) leser.
Bra blogg, jeg ser fram til å lese hvordan det går videre! :)
Du får ha masse lykke til, så ses vi snart ;)
Stor klem
Tusen takk Ida !
ReplyDeleteJeg liker fly (I bet you know that already .. ahah!)
Jeg savner deg,
Hadet bra :)
Je ne sais pas d'où te vient l'idée de faire un blog sur blogspot pour relater ta formation, mais en tous cas c'est une excellente idée ! :-)
ReplyDeleteJag talar inte svenska bara lite utan Lycka till
ReplyDelete( j'ai encore des progrès à faire de ce côté là ! )
enfin bonne chance pour ce long parcours !
good luck mate! i am very happy for you and hope that your dream will come true!
ReplyDeleteBonne chance pour ta formation, je vais suivre ton blog de pres :-))
ReplyDeleteHey, love the Blog. It reads great so don't worry. Keep it up and add alot of pictures. They rock!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, it's absolutly a great idea. It reads great, i will totaly fallow it. Keep putting pictures. They rock!
ReplyDeleteThis post of yours was very funny. It was good. Though the "small" trip you took sounds like it was tough. Great post
ReplyDeleteSalut GolfCharlie !
ReplyDeleteJe découvre ton blog à l'instant, et j'ai hate de suivre tes aventures, surtout quand tu seras aux USA (car voler aux USA en tant que PPL est mon rêve, j'espère le réaliser, un jour....).
Je te souhaite bon continuation et j'espère te rencontrer peut-être un jour lors d'un évènement JA (moi, c'est Yoyo ;-) )
Aurélien (Yoyo sur JA)
outstanding blog, fantastic youtubes, keep it going ,