
Sunday, 22 January 2012

A few scenes from the cockpit

I finally bought Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD 11 (the cheapest one), superb software to edit and render 1080p Full HD videos. Camera used is a Sony HX9v (compact camera), soundtracks by Audiomachine. Hope you like it !


  1. I really like your video from your office! Thank you so much for sharing!Awesome scenery:)Enjoy every moment.
    Have a great weekend,

  2. A video that fire the imagination... thank you !

  3. Thank you very much for this beautiful video ! It's the best from-the cockpit-video I've ever seen ! I hope you'll keep on sending us your shots and videos from the B737 flight deck... It's a great incentive to all of us who want to fly an airliner one day !

  4. The video is just simply awesome!
    The musique suits perfectly with each scenes!
    I hope you enjoy your new aircraft and your routes!?

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Amazing video!! I wish I will be in the same seat in few years... At least seated on a right hand seat in a cockpit!
    Perfect view and music (by the way, what is it? Sahzam can't find any close match...)
    Thank you!

  6. All tracks are from Audiomachine:
    - Eterna
    - Ashes to Ashes
    - Eternal Flames
    - Breath and Life

    (not in this order).

    Glad you guys like it!
    It's a lot of work to put all this together, but Sony Vegas is a fantastic tool, far more advanced than Movie Maker I used to use up to now.

  7. Génial! Tu as du en voir des destinations!

  8. Très bon travail encore une fois... Comme sur aeronet d'ailleurs où tes posts expliquent clairement quelques zones ombres d'un parcours semés d'embûches. Mais avec de telles images, ça donne envie de se battre encore. Enjoy your futur flights anyway!

  9. Cela fait rêver ! Merci pour ces 5:33 min formidables !

  10. If this doesn't send chills down your spine in awe, then you must not be human! Thanks golfcharlie232, awesome job! I look forward to seeing some more of your videos!
