
B737NG Type Rating

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Type Rating Boeing 737-3/900 (view all posts)

HD (1080p) Video: here

Type Rating program:
TR Introduction which covers topics such as CRM (Crew Ressource Management), SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures), Safety, Emergency Procedures, Survival and ditching training, Dangerous Goods, Fire and smoke drills, Operation of doors, ...
Week 2 to 4: CBT - Computer Based Training (Aircraft general knowledge and systems), FMS training (FMS simulator), SOP's training (cockpit mock-ups), Performances calculation, Mass & Balance, RVSM.

Weeks 5 to 10: Simulator training (Fixed Base (part 1 and part 2) and Full Flight (full motion) simulator).
LST: Licence Skills Tests (1 day),
Simulator Circuit Training (1 day),
Base Training (6 to 10 circuits on the actual aircraft, flown without passengers).