Most people know what the usual office looks like, but they don't realise how good it can get up front in the flight deck of an airliner. We still call it an office since this is where we work, although it doesn't have a lot in commun.
Even when we fly the same routes everyday, the view does change a lot, depending upon the time of the day, and the time of the year.
In fact, the view alone is a great factor in making the flight deck of an airliner an amazing place to be in.
Pilots are often said to be dreamers, or people enjoying a bit of magic. When you get to see such views, you certainly understand why.
The twilight over the French Alps does catch your attention.
The sun is cracking the horizon and you suddenly get that truely superb golden light, spilling an intense orange light over the cockpit.
The Alps shape starts to form over my right shoulder, and Lake Geneva gets in sight.
Almost all the South-East part of France is covered with a thin layer of fog, adding to the beauty of the scene.
This is one of those moments you'd like to last forever, but at 600 miles an hour Paris is coming up very fast.
Airborne life continues...