“Allo, my name is L. from ..., may I speak to ...... .....?”,
“We’re please to let you know you have been successful in our selection process”.
The very friendly lady then told me I will be starting the Type Rating course on the Boeing 737NG this automn.
I have dreamed of such a call for years, the Boeing 737NG has always fascinated me, and this is just about to become real.Thank you all of you who have showed your support.
I took the assessment recently and as any selection process, most didn't pass. I feel sorry for them, but I guess this is all part of the game.
I prepared a lot for it, spent hours and hours going through the entire ATPL books, I prepared for the simulator assessment and I think it all worked out pretty well on the D-day as I have never flown such a great flight before and I did my best CRM (surely the flights on the Kingair did help a lot on this side of things).
Looking forward to flying the most beautiful American airliner,
Airborne life continues...